The new series is written, directed and produced by Jee Young Han, Jonathan Lee and Justin Anthony Long, who also star as the three young performers committed to making their Broadway dreams a reality.
"City of Dreams" also features original songs by the trio as well as singer-songwriter Joanna Burns, who also provides arrangements.
In addition to Osnes (Cinderella, Bonnie & Clyde, Grease) and Oremus (Kinky Boots, The Book of Mormon, Wicked), the series has also featured Jon Fletcher (Giant, Bonnie & Clyde), Andrew Kober (Hair), Eva Kaminsky (The Lyons) and Kelvin Moon Loh (American Idiot) alongside a slew of up-and-coming actors.
Here's how the webseries is billed: "'City of Dreams' is a musical comedy webseries that follows Jamie (Long), Julie (Han), and Julian (Lee), three aspiring musical theatre actors from the Midwest who struggle to establish their careers on The Great White Way. After three years of pounding the pavement, they are no closer to realizing their Broadway dreams. Join Jamie, Julie and Julian on their quest to defy gravity, and change… for the better."
"City of Dreams" can be seen on the YouTube channel FatDumplingProd. Watch the pilot:
Watch episode two, "Unexpected Song," featuring Osnes and Fletcher:
Watch episode three, "You're the One That I Want," featuring Kaminsky:
Watch episode four, "Finishing the Hat," featuring Kober and Oremus: