Holiday Inn, The New Irving Berlin Musical (Regional, Shaw Festival, Festival Theatre, 2019) | Playbill

Holiday Inn, The New Irving Berlin Musical



Directed by Kate Henning

Cast: David Ball, Carla Bennett, Kyle Blair, Kristi Frank, Elodie Gillett, Timothy Gledhill, Kyle Golemba, Kayla James, Clara Poppy Kushnir, Amanda Mattar, Allison McCaughey, Kevin McLachlan, Drew Plummer, Andrew Prashad, Kimberley Rampersad, David Andrew Reid, Kiera Sangster, Adam Sergison, Jacqueline Thair, Jay Turvey, William Wagner, Jenny L. Wright

Show Times: Tuesday @2pm, Wednesday @1pm, Thursday @1pm and 7pm, Friday @1pm, Saturday @1pm and 7pm, Sunday @2pm.

Tickets from $28.25

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