Saturday Sept 21 | Two Free Classes | Online | Throughline Script Analysis and Fearless Cold Reading | Playbill


Saturday Sept 21 | Two Free Classes | Online | Throughline Script Analysis and Fearless Cold Reading


The Art and the Audition with Karen Kohlhaas
New York, NY


Karen Kohlhaas

Job Details


Dear Actors,

This Saturday Sept 21 I'm teaching 2 free online classes:

FEARLESS COLD READING | 11AM-12:15PM Eastern | Learn two points of my ten-point Fearless Cold Reading system for ice-cold and prepared readings, for theater, zoom, on-camera and self-tape auditions! I'll work live with 4 pairs of actors* on short scripts to show you these techniques. We'll tape the before and after so you can see the difference for yourself. You can also join us to watch, or to be on the list to work live if someone cancels. *Actors must have previous scene study training to read in this class. Please send resume when you reserve. TO RESERVE: Reply to this post and write FEARLESS COLD READING in the email.

THROUGHLINE SCRIPT ANALYSIS | 1PM-2:15PM Eastern | Do you have the script analysis skills to take on an entire role? Using the Practical Aesthetics Acting technique and examples from Tennessee Williams plays, I will show you how identifying the driving force of a character's whole journey will help you make ultra-specific one-time choices that helps you give your audience a suspenseful ride through the play/movie/episode. TO RESERVE: Reply to this post and write THROUGHLINE in the email.

I will also answer questions about my upcoming online 4-week Fearless Cold Reading workshops, and my upcoming online 10-week Throughline Script Analysis/Williams course through Atlantic Acting School.

Join us Saturday for one or both of these classes!


KAREN KOHLHAAS is an Atlantic Theater Company founding member, director, and senior teacher. She developed and teaches her own approach to monologue audition technique, which was recently recommended in Helen Mirren's Master Class on acting, and which she teaches in New York, around the US, internationally, and now online.

Director | For Atlantic, Karen has directed productions of plays by Harold Pinter, David Mamet, Annie Baker, Keith Reddin, Kia Corthron, Shel Silverstein, Hilary Bell, Joe Penhall, and Kate Moira Ryan. She has also directed for Primary Stages, the New York Shakespeare Festival/Public Theater, Naked Angels, Ars Nova, Ensemble Studio Theatre, New York Live Arts, 24 Hour Plays on Broadway, the Alley Theatre, Houston, New Dramatists, Menagerie Theatre in Cambridge, UK, The Culture Project, the Practical Theater Co. in Sydney and others.

Teacher | Karen is a master teacher of the Practical Aesthetics acting technique with over 30 years in the classroom, and is a senior teacher at the Atlantic Acting School's conservatory programs. She teaches her own NYC classes in Acting, Directing, Monologues, and Fearless Cold Reading & Audition Technique. She teaches guest workshops around the country and internationally, including theaters, universities, and conferences in Atlanta, Austin, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Cleveland, Houston, Miami, Mississippi, England, Australia, and Italy.

Author | Karen is the author of 3 books, and director of a 120 minute DVD on her monologue techniques. Her first book, The Monologue Audition is a Backstage must-read.

Filmmaker | Karen's films include two with acclaimed performer/playwright Taylor Mac, several short documentaries; and the instructional film Roots & Branches 5 Element Qi Gong for the T'ai Chi Foundation.

Tennessee Williams Scholar | Karen has been researching and creating a full length documentary and book on Tennessee Williams' Mississippi Delta roots. She has been a panelist and presenter many times at the New Orleans and Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festivals, and has curated and co-founded, with St. George's Episcopal Church, the Tennessee Williams Rectory Museum in the former residence of Williams and his family.

Tennessee Williams Workshops in Clarksdale, MS | Karen offers residential workshops in Williams' childhood hometown of Clarksdale, Mississippi: week-long Tennessee Williams acting intensives & playwriting workshops (past and current playwriting teachers include Craig Lucas and Lucy Thurber, in January) and week-long Monologue intensives (August). Reply to this post to request more info on Clarksdale workshops.


Sep 21, 2024


$0.00 – $0.00 per hour



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