Casting Showpeople Theatre Collective’s Fall Season: 54 Below and NYTF | Playbill

Casting Showpeople Theatre Collective’s Fall Season: 54 Below and NYTF

CATEGORY: Performer

Showpeople Theatre Collective
New York, NY

Job Details


Showpeople Theatre Collective is producing two new musical productions in NYC this September-October.

“To the Fairest - A New Musical” at 54 Below September 17 and “Shudder” at the New York Theatre Festival October 8-12.

Virtual submissions requested for roles. Please list the role(s) you are interested in. You are able to submit for both shows, and could potentially be cast in both as well. Only one submission is needed for both shows.

You can listen to cast recordings of both shows on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube.

Showpeople Theatre Collective Inc.



Rehearses: Early September

Sound Check: Sept 17

Performance: 9/17 @ 9:30p at 54 Below

Director: Michael Ricciardone (he/him)

Music Director: Miles Messier (he/him)

Seeking video submissions.

Writers and Producers searching for talent for a production of new musical, To The Fairest.

Please submit an MT cut or reel that shows your vocal range. Please take the time to read this full casting notice and fill out the attached form. Upload your tape as an UNLISTED or PUBLIC video to YouTube; submit link in aforementioned form.

Join us at 54 Below for an epic evening of the hilarious new musical, To the Fairest! Come along with Achilles, our war-hero-turned-rockstar-pianist in a look back at what really started the Trojan War! Complete with a trio of bickering goddesses, the most beautiful woman in the world, and the wedding of the century (done Mount Olympus-style), it’s Hadestown meets “Krapopolis.”


ACHILLES: (he/him) Greece’s Golden Boy. Our (biased) narrator. Impervious to harm aside from his heel. Excellent piano skills are a must, as he also serves as the band’s lead keyboard and assistant conductor.

Vocal Range: Tenor, G2-Bb4

ATHENA: (she/her) Goddess of wisdom. Gives jock vibes and nerd vibes at the same time, while also being visually stunning. Maybe feels she deserves more than the world is giving her.

Vocal Range: Mezzo, G3-D#5

APHRODITE: (she/her) Goddess of love. Might have it out for Achilles. She has a magnetism that draws people in. Also manipulative when she needs to be…

Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano, G3-Gb5

HERA: (she/her) Goddess of lawful marriage. Maternal, royal, regal. She will do whatever it takes.

Vocal Range: Alto, F#3-B4

ERIS: (she/her) Goddess of chaos and discord. Doesn’t get invited to most functions of the gods. Spiteful and scorned.

Who doubles as...

HELEN: (she/her) The most beautiful woman in the world. Is married off to Paris as a prize for him (spoilers) choosing Aphrodite as the Fairest.

Vocal Range: Alto, F#3-D5

PARIS/SOLDIER 3: (he/him) Unknowingly a prince of Troy, he shepherds sheep until he is tasked by the gods for something much, much bigger than he could comprehend.

Vocal Range: Baritone C3-Gb4

ZEUS: (he/him) The king of the gods and perhaps Olympus’ greatest cheater. Spoken role only.

Who doubles as...

ASCLEPIUS: (any) The god of medicinal drugs. A party guest at Peleus and Thetis’ wedding.

Who doubles as...

AGAMEMNON/SOLDIER 4: (any) The King of Sparta and husband to Helen. Sends out his army to retrieve her after being stolen/wooed by Paris, thus starting the Trojan War.

Vocal Range: Bass Eb2-Db4

IRIS/VOICE 1: (any) Goddess of rainbows. A party guest at Peleus and Thetis’ wedding. Sings backup vocals for Aphrodite in “The One For You”.

Vocal Range: Soprano B3-C6 [u/s for APHRODITE and ATHENA]

THETIS/VOICE 2/SOLDIER 5: (she/her) River goddess/sea nymph who is married off to the mortal king, Peleus. The blushing bride. Gives birth to Achilles, and dips his body in the river Styx to make him impervious to harm, except for his heel...

Vocal Range: Alto A3-Bb4 [u/s for ERIS/HELEN and HERA]

PELEUS/SOLDIER 1: (he/him) The mortal king of the Myrmidons of Thessaly who fought with his son, Achilles in the Trojan War.

Who doubles as...

HECTOR: (he/him) Paris’ brother and first prince of Troy. The best warrior of the Trojan army. He kills Achilles’ lover Patroclus, and ignites Achilles’ rage which propels him through the rest of the war. He is ultimately slain by Achilles.

Vocal Range: Tenor A3-Bb4

GATEKEEPER/SOLDIER 2: (any) The keeper of the gate. Some ancient Greek form of A.I. with heavy sass.

Vocal Range: Tenor, E3-Bb4 [u/s for PARIS]


ODYSSEUS: (he/him) Keyboard 2 and the actual conductor of Achilles’ band. Mostly just the conductor, with very little stage movement.

PATROCLUS: (he/him) Achilles’ lover and star on guitar. Is killed (on stage) during the Trojan War. Must be comfortable with light stage combat and intimacy. Plays guitar in the band.

BRISEIS: (she/her) Achilles’ war prize and drummer. Is kidnapped by Agamemnon during the Trojan War, then returned to Achilles to convince him to rejoin fighting.

AJAX: (he/him) Bassist and fellow war hero.


M-Presenting Swing

F-Presenting Swing

COMPENSATION: $30 per performance


Showpeople Theatre Collective Inc.



Rehearses: September-October, based on cast and creative availability

Tech: October 8, 10a-2p at Teatro LATEA

Performances: October 8th at 9:30, 9th at 6:30, and 12th at 4:30

Director: Connor Picard (he/him)

Music Director: Roman Matcz (he/him)

Seeking video submissions.

Writers and Producers searching for talent for a production of new musical, Shudder.

Please submit an MT cut or reel that shows off your vocal range. Please take the time to read this full casting notice and fill out the linked form. Upload your tape as an UNLISTED or PUBLIC video to YouTube; submit link in aforementioned form.

Shudder is a new horror-comedy musical based on a lesser-known Brothers Grimm fairytale, “The Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear”. It unfolds in a wild, thrilling, and chilling ride through a haunted castle, complete with priests, knights, peasants, and princesses singing in 5-part harmony. Shudder is a haunting musical comedy certain to make you laugh one moment and disturbed the next!

IGNATIUS - (he/him) Our “Villain” Protagonist. The Young Son who seems unaffected, and unable to experience fear. After being cast out by his father (which he doesn’t care about), he enters the castle contest to pursue his life goal of learning how to shudder. Probably has the signs of being a psychopath in the future. (Tenor 2)

ROLAND - (he/him) Contestant #1. A brave, burly knight who has slain many beasts and survived. Has extreme jock energy - not much brain power needed when you can win any fight. Looking to win the princess and the glory. (Low Baritone)

PHOENIX - (she/they) Contestant #2. A badass bounty hunter only interested in money and power. They will do whatever it takes. Because of festival rules she has disguised herself as a man to be allowed to participate. (Alto)

SILAS - (he/him) Contestant #3. A priest wanting to purge the castle of evil spirits to bring peace to the kingdom. Very knowledgeable and skilled, but finds he is in over his head. The “older and wiser” character. (Baritone)

DEBBIE - (she/her) Contestant #4? Not actually a contestant...she kinda just wandered into the castle with the group (probably following ROLAND), and now is stuck there. Always looking for a good time. Nowhere near the brightest bulb, though somehow she manages to survive. (Mezzo-Soprano)

LILITH - (she/her) The princess of the kingdom. She is...not your princess of fairytales. She actually conceived of the contest as a way to find a man worthy to live in the haunted castle with her. Has repressed gothy vibes (probably from her father). Think a young Morticia Addams looking for her Gomez. (Mezzo)

WÄTTSCHISFAÇ - (he/him) King who issues the challenge. Looking for a brave man to be the future king, and a good match for his odd daughter. (Baritenor)

TRENT - (he/him) Older brother to IGNATIUS. The golden child, loved by his father for being normal and competent. A jerk to his little brother. (Baritone)

BRAM - (he/him) Father to IGNATIUS and TRENT. Always disappointed in his younger son for being so weird and unfeeling. (Baritone)

THE SEXTON - (he/him) Father’s friend. Takes the young son under his wing in an attempt to teach him fear, which ends up with him horribly injured. (Bass)

ARABELLA - (she/her) an unsettling, beautiful and sassy cat. She is WAY too good at card games and swindling souls. Think a femme fatale take on Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde. She has a silent and sly confidence about her, and a killer poker face. There are two things in this world that Arabella loves above all else: poker and her lover Benny. Signs: Sun - Scorpio, Moon - Pisces, Rising - Gemini (Mezzo)

BENNY - (he/him) a confident and charming cat. WAY too good at card games and swindling souls. Think Clyde from Bonnie and Clyde. Flies by the seat of his pants, loves to live in the moment, and is quite the adrenaline junky. He unapologetically lives for the highs in life, and has hardcore lucky cat syndrome. Arabella is the love of his life, and pretty much the only one in the world he wouldn’t hustle or swindle. (Tenor)

“COUSIN” - (any) A dead body that is assumed to be the cousin of IGNATIUS. Wakes up and tries to strangle him. (Tenor)

OLD BEARDED MAN - (he/him) The head spirit in the castle. Has an epic fight in the final night. (Spoken)

FREDERICK: - (he/him) Pianist for Lilith’s show.

ENSEMBLE to play various roles, including:

TOWNSFOLK: (any/all) The members of the town in which IGNATIUS and his fractured family live. They are generally aware of IGNATIUS and his antics, and find him to be quite a nuisance.

BLACK CATS AND DOGS: (any/all) Various creatures that appear on the first night in the castle. They are ultimately slaughtered/fought against by Ignatius and his woodcarving knife.

COFFIN CARRIERS: (any/all) Six silent, cloaked figures that deliver a coffin, then disappear.

SKELETONS: (any/all) The may seem intimidating at first, but turns out they love bowling!

COMPENSATION: The producers can not guarantee any compensation at this time, but are working to raise a budget that allows to compensate all artists involved.


Aug 31, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024


$0.00 – $30.00 per show




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