Directed by Nathan Greno ("Tangled") and produced by Dorothy McKim, "Gigantic" will premiere in 2018. Disney revealed the following details on the tale: "Set in Spain during the Age of Exploration, Disney’s 'Gigantic' follows adventure-seeker Jack as he discovers a world of giants hidden within the clouds. He hatches a grand plan with Inma, a 60-foot-tall, 11-year-old girl, and agrees to help her find her way home. But he doesn't account for her super-sized personality—and who knew giants were so down to earth?"
The Lopez's latest musical Up Here is currently premiering at the La Jolla Playhouse. Separately, he's the EGOT-winning writer of Book of Mormon and Avenue Q, while she's the writer of the Drama Desk-winning musical In Transit. Together, the golden duo have also earned a host of Emmys.
We are thrilled to announce that
#Gigantic, inspired by "Jack and the Beanstalk," opens in theatres in 2018!
— Disney Animation (@DisneyAnimation)
August 14, 2015