Have you watched Zizi Strallen take on “Turkey Lurkey Time” from Promises, Promises in the latest episode of The Theatre Channel yet? It’s a ‘60s throwback worth your time.
Be sure to check out the Olivier nominee showing off her high-energy dance prowess, along with Hamilton star Rachel John singing “Brand New Day,” and Olivier winner Cassidy Janson’s interpretation of “White Christmas” here.
After their show-stopping performances in The Theatre Channel’s “Hopeful Holidays,” John, Strallen, and Janson chatted with Playbill about their performances and plans for the winter break, along with what they want theatre to look like in 2021.

What did you enjoy most about performing this song?
Zizi Strallen: “Turkey Lurkey Time” is the most fun, crazy Christmas song I think I’ve ever heard. It’s got fantastic melodies and then a brilliant dance break with a ‘60s vibe. It was incredibly fun to perform.
Rachel John: This song has always been one of my favorites, and to be able to share it at a time like this was a true joy. The opportunity to be back in a theatre and share the stage with so many talented young people was a blessing. When you listen to the lyrics, they are an invitation for all of us to hope again and we need that light right now.
Cassidy Janson: [I loved] how Christmas-y it made me feel.
How are you celebrating the holidays this year?
RJ: I will be at home with my mum this year. We will log on to a virtual carol service in the morning, call our family in Trinidad, and then have lunch together.
CJ: I’m going to my folks' in the country and relaxing for a few days.

What are your 2021 New Year’s Resolutions?
ZS: My 2021 new year resolution is to get a couple of my writing projects off the ground and start to make them happen.
RJ: I don't usually make resolutions, but I have decided that next year I want to continue on my health journey, make more time for my friends and family, and to slow down so that I savor and enjoy the beautiful moments in life.
CJ: I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. Why limit yourself to change once a year? LOL!
What are your hopes for the industry next year?
ZS: My hopes for the industry in 2021 are to try and find some kind of normality again. Now that the vaccine is here I am so hopeful for our wonderful industry to come back.
RJ: My hopes are that the industry becomes a place where all people from all walks of life are seen and appreciated. We have made some great strides, but still have a way to go.
CJ: That the government stops shutting us down and we can continue entertaining people in our COVID-secure theatres.