The musical theatre composer and the pop star collaborated on “Beautiful Ghosts,” a song written specifically for the upcoming film adaptation of Cats. In the movie, the haunting melody is sung by Victoria the White Cat (played by Francesca Hayward), whose journey introduces audiences into the Jellicle cats' Jellicle world. Swift, who plays Bombalurina, provided her own rendition for a studio recording.
Check out the featurette above as the two music bigwigs discuss and preview the song.
“What I couldn’t believe was the extraordinary beauty of these lyrics that Taylor had written,” says director Tom Hooper. “It was as if someone had come into the film I was in the middle of making and read the script, met the actors, and seen the world, and reflected back to me a profound understanding of what we’re trying to do with the movie.”
Swift became a scholar of T. S. Eliot, whose poetry serves as the backbone of the libretto. She calls him “such a specific type of writer [who] uses such specific language and imagery.” She adds, “I really waned to reflect that. You can’t write a modern lyric for Cats.
“So if you can’t get T. S. Eliot, get T.S.”
Cats, also starring Jennifer Hudson, Jason Derulo, Judi Dench, James Corden, and Ian McKellen, arrives in movie theatre December 20.
The new English-language trailer is chock full of fun details, but the international trailers offer even more easter eggs, including listens to the film's foreign language singing dubs.