In Shakespeare's celebrated romantic comedy, Viola finds herself shipwrecked on the island of Illyria. For protection, she disguises herself as a young man, Cesario, and enters the service of Duke Orsino to deliver love letters to Countess Olivia. Drama arises in a tangle of mistaken identities and passions, with Olivia falling for Cesario, whose heart belongs to Orsino, who is still smitten with Olivia. When Viola's twin brother appears, complications peak!
Directed by Seana McKenna
Featuring Laura Condlin, Jessica B. Hill, Sarah Dodd, Deborah Hay, Vanessa Sears, André Sills, Scott Wentworth, Rylan Wilkie, Hilary Adams, David Collins, Nick Dolan, Thomas Duplessie, Austin Eckert, Jenna-Lee Hyde, Andrew Iles, John Kirkpatrick, Tarique Lewis, Jonathan Mason, Marissa Orlajo, Glynis Ranney, Antonette Rudder, Michael Spencer-Davis, Emilio Vieira