Six ambitious, hilarious middle schoolers—played by some equally-hilarious adults—go head-to-head in this riotous musical, directed by Tony Award-winner James Monroe Iglehart (Broadway’s Aladdin and Hamilton). The rules here are simple: Prove you’re the best speller on stage, and you secure a spot at the national spelling bee. Falter on “hasenpfeffer” or “crepuscular” and nothing but a consolation juice box awaits. Will your favorite fall to pressure and puberty, or emerge victorious? And which audience members will join them onstage as contestants themselves? Find out in the new classic that captures all the chaos, heartbreak, and elation of becoming a childhood champion.
Directed by Meredith McDonough
Music Direction by William Liberatore
Choreography by Lee Ann Payne
Featuring Mai Abe, Dave J. Abrams, Molly Bell, Beau Bradshaw, Maia Campbell, Jenni Chapman, Blake Kevin Dwyer, Anthone Jackson, Christopher Reber, John R. Lewis, Lee Ann Payne, Jillian Smith, & Romelo Urbi
Tickets from $27