Pride and Prejudice (Regional, TheatreWorks @ the Lucie Stern Theatre, 2019) | Playbill

Pride and Prejudice



Directed by Robert Kelley

Cast: Monique Hafen Adams, Samantha Ayoob, Seton Chiang, Lucinda Hitchcock Cone, Taylor Crousore, Sean Fenton, Brian Herndon, Tara Kostmayer, Travis Leland, Dani Marcus, Mary Mattison, Justin Mortelliti, Heather Orth, Sharon Rietkerk, Michelle Skinner, Heather Mae Steffen, Chanel Tilghman, Chris Vettel, Melissa WolfKlain

Show Times: Tuesday and Wednesday @7:30pm (8pm Wednesday, December 4), Thursday and Friday @8pm, Saturday @2pm and 8pm, Sunday @2pm and 7pm. No performances Tuesday, December 24, Wednesday, December 25, or Wednesday, January 1. No matinee performance Saturday, December 7. Added matinee performance Wednesday, December 18 @2pm, and Friday, January 3 @2pm

Tickets from $30

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