This delightful comedy follows Sir Harcourt Courtly, an over-the-hill London fop, as he arrives at Oak Hall to claim his wealthy and scandalously young bride. But Courtly’s plan for a get-rich-quick weekend in the country is scuttled by the arrival of his dissolute son, Charles, disguised as “Augustus Hamilton,” and the witty Lady Gay Spanker. Celebrated as one of the great British stage comedies, London Assurance is a brilliant precursor to the works of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw.
Directed by Antoni Cimolino
Featuring Geraint Wyn Davies, Austin Eckert, Deborah Hay, Marissa Orjalo, Michael Spencer-Davis, Emilio Vieira, Rylan Wilkie, Graham Abbey, Hilary Adams, Bola Aiyeola, David Collins, Joella Crichton, Sarah Dodd, Nick Dolan, Thomas Duplessie, Jenna-Lee Hyde, Andrew Iles, John Kirkpatrick, Tarique Lewis, Jonathan Mason, Glynis Ranney, Antonette Rudder, Vanessa Sears and Scott Wentworth