A funny, thought-provoking and deeply moving play, presented in a new English translation by John Murrell. In this comedy we find Otto Marvuglia, a once master illusionist, reduced to performing magic for money at a seaside resort. When one of his tricks seems to go awry, a guest tumbles into a world of illusion as another escapes an unhappy reality.
Directed by Antoni Cimolino
Featuring Geraint Wyn Davies, Gordon S. Miller, Sarah Orenstein, Elizabeth Adams, Hilary Adams, David Collins, Sarah Dodd, Thomas Duplessie, Christo Graham, Jordin Hall, Kim Horsman, Stephen Jackman-Torkoff, Matthew Kabwe, Germaine Konji, Jamie Mac, Qianna MacGilchrist, Chanakya Mukherjee, Debbie Patterson, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, Steve Ross, Tyrone Savage, Michael Spencer-Davis, Jane Spidell, and Emilio Vieira