A rebellious teenager moves to a small middle-American town where dance is forbidden, and encourages his classmates to defy the local pastor and call for a rock'n'roll prom. A musical version of the 1984 film.
Directed by Evan Pappas
Choreography by Eugenio Contenti
Music Direction by Jonathan Brenner
Featuring Carrie Baker, Peyton Cassity, Melissa Goldberg, Arturo Hernandez, John Hillner, Christina Emily Jackson, Tia Karaplis, Max Kuenzer, Quincy Lawson, Michelle Mallardi, Mikey Marmann, Jay Mauro, Jojo Minasi, Molly Model, Drew Reese, Tyrell Ruffin, Liat Shuflita, Lilliannie Arie Urgent, Nicole Weitzman, Tray Wright