Waitress - Pittsburgh, PA EPA (01.16.25) | Playbill


Waitress - Pittsburgh, PA EPA (01.16.25)

CATEGORY: Performer

Pittsburgh Musical Theater
Pittsburgh, PA

Job Details


Call Type: EPA


Friday, January 24, 2025

2:00 PM - 10:00 PM (E)

Break 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM


To schedule an audition appointment please

email: [email protected] .




$690 weekly minimum (Ref. to COST)


Equity actors for roles in WAITRESS (See breakdown).


Please prepare brief song selection in style of the show. You are welcome to sing a selection from the show. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring your headshot and resume.


Pittsburgh Musical Theater Studios

327 S Main St

Pittsburgh, PA 15220-5511

Park in the parking lot to the left side of our building. Use glass door.


Expected to attend:

Director: Tim Seib

Music Director: Francesca Tortorello

Monitor(s): Gemma Williamson & Andonetta Trageser

Producer: Colleen Doyno


Callbacks: January 25 & 26, 2025 from

3:30pm - 10:00pm

First Rehearsal: April 14, 2025

Opening: May 1, 2025

Closing: May 25, 2025


An Equity Monitor will not be provided.

producer will run all aspects of this audition. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity
designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities,
and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




[JENNA] – Female, 20s-30s. Any ethnicity. A woman stuck in her life as an unhappily married waitress in a small town. Finds some happiness and expression through her meticulous baking of pies and her friendships with her coworkers, Dawn and Becky. Lives her life paycheck-to-paycheck, day by day, and wants nothing more than to get away and start fresh, unbeknownst to her destructive husband, Earl. Has a fantastic pop/rock voice with great range.

[DAWN] – Female, 20s, any ethnicity. She's the youngest of the waitresses. Thick glasses, hair parted 14 centimeters to the left — eccentric is the nice way to say she’s slightly unusual, and not so slightly OCD. She sets the tables, painstakingly ensuring each salt and pepper shaker is equidistant from the napkin holder. Has an excellent pop/rock/folk voice.

[BECKY] – Female, early 40s-early 50s, ANY ethnicity. The oldest of the three waitresses. Irreverent, irascible, been there, made it back, and somehow kept her forward and sometimes wicked sense of humor with excellent comedic timing. Has a soulful pop voice with an excellent pop belt.

[DR. POMATTER] – Male, 30s-early 40s, any ethnicity. Handsome, endearing, and neurotic. Has a warm, if clumsy, manner. Jenna’s gynecologist with whom an unexpected extramarital affair is born. Has a quirky sense of humor and a big heart, despite the fact that he’s contributing to the affair. Has
impeccable comedic timing and moves well. Has a very strong pop/rock tenor that can navigate the musical style of Sara Bareilles with ease.

[EARL] – Male, 20s-30s. Caucasian. Jenna’s husband. Peaked in high school, handsome in a gruff way, but that face is clouded with broken dreams, drowned with cheap beer. Just enough narcissism mixed with stupidity, to be a potent Molotov cocktail that can explode into unexpected anger one second and then turn into a sobbing mess the next. Actors auditioning for EARL may come prepared with a song in the vein of Elton John or a similar contemporary singer/songwriter. Guitar playing a plus.

[OGIE] - CAST. Male, 30s, any ethnicity. Strange, yet oddly lovable. Becomes slightly obsessed with Dawn (in a hilarious yet endearing way) after she goes on a 5-minute date with him. Quirky, incredibly persistent, and odd, yet kind. Has excellent comedic timing. Has an excellent pop/rock tenor/baritenor

[OGIE COVER] - Male, 30s, any ethnicity. Strange, yet oddly lovable. Becomes slightly obsessed with Dawn (in a hilarious yet endearing way) after she goes on a 5-minute date with him. Quirky, incredibly
persistent, and odd, yet kind. Has excellent comedic timing. Has an excellent pop/rock tenor/baritenor sound.

[CAL] - Male, any ethnicity, 40s. A chef at the diner. A “Salt of the Earth guy’s guy surrounded by gals. Brash, impatient, unsentimental, but somehow charming. Has a strong pop/rock voice with great comedic chops. Has a strong contemporary baritone singing voice in the style of Sara Bareilles and
has excellent comedic timing.

[JOE] - Male, 60s-early 70s. The owner of the diner where Jenna, Dawn, Becky, and Cal work. A seemingly old, curmudgeonly man who has a soft spot for Jenna (and her pie), warm at heart. A sarcastically funny and no-nonsense guy with a keen ability to read people. Very funny. Has a strong baritone pop/rock.

[MALE ENSEMBLE] - Males, any ethnicity, ranging from Mid-Late 20s to late 40s. Has excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Has excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Strong movers/dancers. 3 MALE ENSEMBLE PLUS 2 MALE SWINGS

[FEMALE ENSEMBLE] - Females, any ethnicity, ranging from mid 20s to late 30s. Has excellent pop/rock voices in the style of Sara Bareilles. Has excellent comedic timing and be able to play a range of characters comprising the community in which the story takes place. Strong movers/dancers.4 FEMALE ENSEMBLE PLUS 2 FEMALE SWINGS


CONTRACT LOA $690 weekly minimum (Ref. to COST)




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