In the Pride Lands of Africa, a young lion named Simba becomes heir to the kingdom, but flees his home when tragedy falls on his family. After years in exile, he decides to return and fight to take his rightful place in the Circle of Life.
December 10–22: Tuesday @7pm, Wednesday @7pm, Thursday @7pm, Friday @8pm, Saturday @2pm and 8pm, Sunday @1pm and 6:30pm
December 23–29: Monday @7pm, Tuesday @1pm, Thursday @2pm and 7pm, Friday @8pm, Saturday @2pm and 8pm, Sunday @1pm and 6:30pm
December 30–January 5: Monday @7pm, Thursday @2pm and 7pm, Friday @8pm, Saturday @2pm and 8pm, Sunday @1pm and 6:30pm
More than 110 million people around the world have experienced the awe-inspiring visual artistry, the unforgettable music and the uniquely theatrical storytelling of this Broadway spectacular – one of the most breathtaking and beloved productions ever to grace the stage. Winner of 6 Tony Awards, including Best Musical and based on the beloved 1994 Disney film, The Lion King brings together one of the most imaginative creative teams on Broadway. Tony Award-winning director Julie Taymor brings to life a story filled with hope and adventure set against an amazing backdrop of stunning visuals.