Based on the hit animated film, Disney's Aladdin tells the story of a street-smart urchin whose life changes suddenly when he meets a magical genie who can grant him three wishes. What he really wants is the hand of Princess Jasmine, but will that mean becoming something he's not? And can he elude the dangers that lurk around every corner?
November 26–December 1: Tuesday @7pm, Wednesday @1pm and 7pm, Friday @2pm and 8pm, Saturday @2pm and 8pm, Sunday @3pm
From the producer of The Lion King and the director/choreographer of The Book of Mormon and Something Rotten! (Casey Nicholaw) comes the timeless story of Aladdin in a thrilling new production filled with unforgettable beauty, magic, comedy and breathtaking spectacle. It’s an extraordinary theatrical event where one lamp and three wishes make the possibilities infinite.