"Well, good morning, my handsome, hairy husband."
Jessica Rush
The day always starts with a BIG glass of agua. The Times is a weekend bonus!
Jessica Rush
Cozy under the umbrella on the way to brunch...
Jessica Rush
You can find us here every Saturday. Who are we kidding? We are here at least three mornings a week....easy.
Jessica Rush
Me: "Will you take our picture?".....Him: "Don't you want mine?"
Jessica Rush
Our happy place.
Jessica Rush
Putting some vinyl on one of our TWO record players...
Jessica Rush
...so that I can make my green juice with a little musical accompaniment.
Jessica Rush
"You wanna mess with me?"
Jessica Rush
Almost there...a green juice a day, keeps the doctor away.
Jessica Rush
Dropping my Soul Doctor off. Have a good two shows, love!
Jessica Rush
Hey! Look who I ran into! It's Chicago's Paul C. Vogt! A quick hello as he headed to visit E over at Soul Doctor. He's a good dude.
Jessica Rush
If you visit the theatre during the day, you will meet Gus. He is the gate keeper.
Jessica Rush
Look!! In the last month we've had TWO babies born. Cara Cooper had Elin and Jared Bradshaw welcomed Georgia. So exciting!
Jessica Rush
Sara Schmidt, the first face I see when I enter the dressing room...and her diet coke. :)
Jessica Rush
Pretty much what happens during half hour...visits. And food.
Jessica Rush
Some of our shoes, ready for showtime.
Jessica Rush
Getting wigged. For the first of umpteen times....
Jessica Rush
Almost there...
Jessica Rush
This is how Renee Marino goes down to get her wig on. Hot. (Nice photo bomb Candi)
Jessica Rush
Candi just filing her toenails. As you do when you're the swing and have time to fill. Lots of nails get painted in this room.
Jessica Rush
Jessica Rush
Seems that someone snuck a pic.
Jessica Rush
Hi, Russell!
Jessica Rush
Pick a disguise! The mens upstage facial hair station.
Jessica Rush
This is not only the hallway connecting the stage door and dressing rooms to the rest of the theatre, but it's also a quick change booth! At one point, there are 6 of us in here.
Jessica Rush
The part where we have to wear our underwear is here. It's our favorite part....can't you tell?
Jessica Rush
Drew Gehling grabs a snack to help him push thru act two.
Jessica Rush
Hi Sara & Andy!
Jessica Rush
Erik Bates & Miles Aubrey plan their fantasy football draft. Or their fantasy baseball draft...it's neverending here...
Jessica Rush
Jessica Rush
Meeting my BFF for our standing Saturday between shows dinner date....
Jessica Rush
Hey there, it's Book of Mormon's Michael James Scott! Love our weekly catch up time....
Jessica Rush
A two-show day calls for Starbucks. Naturally, he gives fierceness on the way in.
Jessica Rush
Someone's excited to sign in.
Jessica Rush
Stage Management's door. All the weddings and babies that have occurred in the almost 8 YEARS JB has been running.
Jessica Rush
Brendan & Jay holding down the fort.
Jessica Rush
Of course, Andy Karl is jumping rope in the alley. Why not?
Jessica Rush
Jessica Rush
Every performance of the show. With little designs and such to notate important and interesting events....I got here in the middle of the row that ends with 2076. Yep.
Jessica Rush
You can go to the tour, Vegas or come to Broadway and you will always find Head Carp Mike Kelly in this exact spot.
Jessica Rush
Hi Hazel & Tim! (They rock)
Jessica Rush
I'm gonna decorate the stairs in my house like this.
Jessica Rush
I think I need MORE things on my spot. Good grief.
Jessica Rush
Our six-show Frankie has arrived for the evening show. Ride snakes out there, Scags.
Jessica Rush
Welcome to The Nunyah Lounge.
Jessica Rush
Otherwise known as Drew's dressing room. It's got that special something extra going on....
Jessica Rush
"Hey girl!"
Jessica Rush
Miles loves pastries. You might have guessed that by the pure joy and anticipation on his face. Get. It.
Jessica Rush
That kind of day, huh, guys?....PLACES!
Jessica Rush
We can always rely on John Edwards for a smile.
Jessica Rush
Still working on the paper...it's a weekend long process.
Jessica Rush
Sara keeps up with her peeps and what's trending while vocal doubling. On the stairs. It's a special talent.
Jessica Rush
"Double, double toil and trouble..."
Jessica Rush
I love this dressing. Mexican Goddess. Get IN IT, y'all!!! (It's the little things)
Jessica Rush
Shenanigans while waiting for the audience to get back to their seats. This happens nightly. It's like I work in a fraternity. And I love it.
Jessica Rush
At this point in the day, I've changed my clothes & wig 34 times. Here comes Lorraine.
Jessica Rush
And just like that, I'm a nurse.
Jessica Rush
This is the very serious part of the show. When a nurse and a priest show up, it can't be good.
Jessica Rush
This is Nick Staub. He takes good care of the boys and is awesome. Night, love!
Jessica Rush
I found Candi! At Carmine's to celebrate Joseph Leo Bwarie making his Bway debut as our two-show Frankie.
Jessica Rush
Sara, Denise Payne, Joseph Leo Bwarie & Candi. Good times with all kinds of JB family!
Jessica Rush
Peace out, y'all. It's been fun, but there's a platter of antipasto waiting. And I mean, a PLATTER. Night!
Jessica Rush