Mary Poppins
I begin my day in a good way-with coffee and steam!
I begin my day in a good way-with coffee and steam!
Michael McGurk
Followed up by a delicious breakfast at a St. George favorite- The Egg and I
Michael McGurk
Driving to work in beautiful Southern Utah never gets old
Michael McGurk
Also being presented this year at Tuacahn is Disney's Mulan
Michael McGurk
Always sign in to work before half hour!
Michael McGurk
The call board is always filled with info for maintaining 3 shows in Rep. This includes understudy rehearsals, put-in rehearsals, and sometimes cast parties!
Michael McGurk
Friendly reminders at work
Michael McGurk
Haylie and Mia the dresser and wig duo in the Greenroom
Michael McGurk
Sister and Brother Claire and Grant Westcott. Claire is understudying Jane while Grant plays Michael Banks
Michael McGurk
Gail Bennett (Mary Poppins) might play a nanny onstage but in real life she is a mom.
Michael McGurk
Michael and Jane Banks played by Grant Westcott and Lauren Allen.
Michael McGurk
Swing Clinton Sherwood busy in 'swing land'
Michael McGurk
Eric Badique doesn't take a bad picture
Michael McGurk
James Berkley usually has a camera in hand but not this time!
Michael McGurk
Nice Tie Jesse Swimm- with Clinton Sherwood and Daniel May
Michael McGurk
Super swing Kayla Smith
Michael McGurk
Robertson Ay (Michael McGurk) gets a scolding from Mary Poppins (Gail Bennett)
Michael McGurk
Robertson Ay is forgiven
Michael McGurk
Heidi Anderson and I in the wings getting ready to bake a cake
Michael McGurk
Kate Scott and C. Mingo Long strike a pose in the wings with a friend
Michael McGurk
Puppy Love!
Michael McGurk
Mr. Banks (David Engel) in the Greenroom
Michael McGurk
Jesse Swimm getting ready to step in time
Michael McGurk
Dusk descends on the desert. Did I mention the desert comes alive at night?
Michael McGurk
The back of the Banks' house- and the Southern Utah desert
Michael McGurk
Yes, that's a horse! Getting ready to march across stage!
Michael McGurk
Also getting ready to make an entrance is this antique car. Tuacahn really knows how to pull out all the stops!
Michael McGurk
Today is Lauren Allen's birthday!
Michael McGurk
Stage Manager Chad Anderson at Intermission for Poppins
Michael McGurk
Mary Poppins played by Mindy Smoot Robbins. Mindy along with Gail share the role and the hearts of Tuacahn audiences.
Michael McGurk
Gail Bennett proves that Mary Poppins does rest from time to time- at Intermission!
Michael McGurk
The Lighting department at Tuacahn creating magic
Michael McGurk
Nicole Powell plays the Bird Women in Poppins. Wait until you see her pics from Millie!
Michael McGurk
Eymard Cabling is 'SuperCali'
Michael McGurk
'Practically Perfect!'
Michael McGurk
Understudy Claire Westcott always ready to go on
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans as Mrs. Banks
Michael McGurk
'Being Mrs. Banks' Jennifer Evans serves Lauren's birthday cake
Michael McGurk
Grant Westcott gets a pre show haircut
Michael McGurk
Miss Andrews (Janna Cardia) loves to mess with Robertson Ay
Michael McGurk
Clay Stefanki and Clinton Sherwood getting ready to 'Step in Time'
Michael McGurk
Gail Bennett's daughter Lydia
Michael McGurk
Michael McGurk
Mary Poppins (Gail Bennett) strikes a pose
Michael McGurk
Often after a long week it's common for the cast to treat themselves to In'N Out. I go along only to socialize
Michael McGurk
Starlight Express
That's my brother Brian and I goofing around in the outdoors lobby. He's here visiting from my hometown of Pittsburgh
That's my brother Brian and I goofing around in the outdoors lobby. He's here visiting from my hometown of Pittsburgh
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans is serving more cake!
Michael McGurk
Before every performance of Starlight Express, we have "all skate" which is a chance for us to warm up our skating and check out the track before our show. You can see the crew finishing up the "bowl" in the background.
Michael McGurk
David Engel is warming up his skating, and his jazz hands as well
Michael McGurk
Gail Bennett strikes up a pose as Dinah
Michael McGurk
After skate school I begin the process of becoming Turnov, the Russian engine
Michael McGurk
Lots of powder is needed because I sweat A LOT in the desert heat
Michael McGurk
Once the makeup is on Turnov is fired up!
Michael McGurk
Turnov is ready to race
Michael McGurk
Swing Clay Stefanki as Turnov later in the week. I was being 'swung out' to watch the show.
Michael McGurk
Dan Gutierrez getting makeup applied pre show as he becomes the Red Caboose
Michael McGurk
Pearl, Dinah, Buffy and Duvet here played by Delaney Westfall, Gail Bennett, Kate Scott, and Erica Bryce
Michael McGurk
David Engel resting comfortably in the Greenroom
Michael McGurk
Dinah and Greaseball, played by Gail Bennett and Todd Dubail are ready for the races
Michael McGurk
The Pit Singers for Starlight Express: Heidi Anderson, Jennifer Evans, Janna Cardia, Nicole Powell, David Engel and Jesse Swimm. Nearly every actor at Tuacahn participates in all 3 shows in some form
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans loves singing those high notes in 'AC/DC'
Michael McGurk
Eymard Cabling, Kayla Smith and Jim Berkley geting ready to do 'Rolling Stock'
Michael McGurk
Joel Rene and John Preator before 'Rolling Stock' as well
Michael McGurk
Jim Berkley is the Marshall for the German engine Ruhrgold
Michael McGurk
Swing Clay Stefanki on for Dustin
Michael McGurk
John Preator plays FlatTop
Michael McGurk
Roller Skating can occasionally be scary. Here C. Mingo Long and I lace up our skates before another 'All Skate'
Michael McGurk
'That Rusty Little engine' played by Steven Goldsmith
Michael McGurk
Rusty is ready for the races as well. So is Steven Goldsmith!
Michael McGurk
Electra gets electrified! Dustin Dubreuil plays Electra and is also our skate coach. He literally took some of us from our first time standing on skates to performance-ready in about 6 weeks.
Michael McGurk
Dinah warns, 'Don't wake up Heidi Anderson!'
Michael McGurk
Buffy and Dinah, played by Kate Scott and Gail Bennett
Michael McGurk
Yeah Yeah Yeah it's the Hip Hoppers! Otherwise known as Ben Tucker, Clinton Sherwood and Eymard Cabling
Michael McGurk
Swing Clay Stefanki on as Dustin. He had a busy swing week!
Michael McGurk
The engines are the best! Turnov, Ruhrgold and Nintendo played by myself, James Blashaw and Eric Badique
Michael McGurk
Thumbs up Todd Dubail as Greaseball
Michael McGurk
My Mom and brother Brian visited me from Pittsburgh this week. They loved seeing me do a show on skates!
Michael McGurk
C. Mingo Long as Poppa
Michael McGurk
Dan Gutierrez, Kate Scott and Clay Stefanki at the meet and greet after the show with fans
Michael McGurk
Delaney Westfall as Pearl
Michael McGurk
Eric Badique really doesn't take a bad picture!
Michael McGurk
At the Meet and Greet we're all full of smiles. And sweat!
Michael McGurk
I love this cast! It's been a really wonderful and supportive group learning to roller skate for Starlight Express. We've certainly come a long way since we started in April.
Michael McGurk
Talese Hunt as Wrench
Michael McGurk
Turnov the Russian engine does smiles at times.
Michael McGurk
This is the week Millie was opening. And we're at the end of tech rehearsals. As well as rehearsing in the heat!
This is the week Millie was opening. And we're at the end of tech rehearsals. As well as rehearsing in the heat!
Michael McGurk
Annie Frehner keeping us cool
Michael McGurk
Kate Scott striking a cool pose in the heat
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans is ready for rehearsal. And the sun.
Michael McGurk
But even on a hot day the skies can turn cloudy in the desert
Michael McGurk
With 3 shows being done in Rep, the wig department has worked very hard this season
Michael McGurk
Millie required an overnight tech rehearsal until 6:30 am. This is what I required to get through it.
Michael McGurk
Me and Steven Goldsmith staying cool during tech
Michael McGurk
Mia busy working on wigs
Michael McGurk
Kenny Estrada from crew and Jesse Swimm
Michael McGurk
Matt from hair and makeup and Deborah from wardrobe putting the finishing touches on Millie
Michael McGurk
Heidi Anderson- Mrs. Meers cover- keeping hydrated. 'It's the desert, y'all!' says Heidi
Michael McGurk
Assistant Stage Manager Holley Housewright
Michael McGurk
Friendly reminders of where we're at
Michael McGurk
I have a feeling that Clay, Clinton and Steven are wondering if rehearsals are over yet.
Michael McGurk
Michael McGurk
Michael McGurk
Jesse your pants look great!
Michael McGurk
The swings for Millie- Troy McGee and Erica Bryce
Michael McGurk
John Preator as Jimmy
Michael McGurk
Antique cars are used in Millie as well
Michael McGurk
It fits in well with the set
Michael McGurk
Here we go! It's opening night!
Michael McGurk
Jayme Wappel get's the finishing touches on before we open
Michael McGurk
Eric Badique put the IPAD down, it's opening night!
Michael McGurk
Opening night as seen from Stage Left
Michael McGurk
John Preator hopping in a cab on his way to opening night!
Michael McGurk
Janna Cardia as Elbows Flannery
Michael McGurk
Talese Hunt and Kate Scott
Michael McGurk
Joyce Nolen as Mrs. Meers
Michael McGurk
Daniel May as Ching Ho
Michael McGurk
David Engel and Kylee Young
Michael McGurk
Laura E. Taylor as Millie Dillmount
Michael McGurk
Jayme Wappel and Jesse Swimm
Michael McGurk
Nicole Powell as Muzzy Van Hossmere. She gets the best dresses!
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans with her dresser Haylie
Michael McGurk
At Tuacahn we get fireworks every night!
Michael McGurk
Millie and Jimmy- Laura E. Taylor and John Preator- celebrate at the opening night cast party
Michael McGurk
Camera's on you this time, James Berkley
Michael McGurk
Clinton Sherwood and Jayme Wappel looking good at the party
Michael McGurk
Daniel May, Joyce Nolen and Eymard Cabling
Michael McGurk
Delaney Westfall resting comfortably on top of a piano at the opening night party.
Michael McGurk
Fellow Pittsburgher Sarah Zielinski and I
Michael McGurk
Eymard Cabling looking (and eating) sweet
Michael McGurk
I love you C. Mingo Long!
Michael McGurk
Jennifer Evans and Joyce Nolen looking fabulous
Michael McGurk
Joel Rene and Nicole Powell celebrating at the party
Michael McGurk
John Preator, Clay Stefanki, Michael McGurk and Jesse Swimm finally out of rehearsals 3 months and 3 shows later!
Michael McGurk
Laura E. Taylor and Jennifer Evans
Michael McGurk
The men of Millie with our director Jeffry Denman
Michael McGurk
The women of Millie and Jeffry Denman
Michael McGurk
'This is 1922!'
Michael McGurk
Performing in the desert brings numerous challenges, including a very large windstorm the blew our set over! This happened after the Millie opening and no one was on it at the time.
Michael McGurk
Only 3 hours after the windstorm blew the set over, our amazing crew picked it up, dusted it off and made it performance ready for a sold out crowd that night. The show must go on!
Michael McGurk
The cast takes a walk on the set before performing on it that night
Michael McGurk
It's pretty incredible if you think about it!
Michael McGurk