Lindsay and Molly relaxing during tech day
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Lindsay and Molly preparing for the royal ball in their dressing room
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Princess Party between opening number and scene 2
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
David F.M. Vaughn (Captain Hook, Sheriff of Nottingham) warming up backstage with his alter ego.
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Lindsay, Molly and Curt Hansen (Prince Charming, Prince Phillip) The best vocal warm up, Steaming, Water, and smoldering looks.
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Curt, Michael Orland (Musical Supervisor) and Lindsay vamping post show
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Jonathan Meza (Muddles) and Molly What the Prince is giving a Ball!?!?
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Fearless Leader Spencer Liff (Director/ Choreographer) directing the closing number
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Kaitlynn Edgar (Tinkerbell) & Clarice Ordaz (Yasmine) prepare for the finale!
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Curt, Jonathan and Cliffton Hall (Prince Harry) picture in picture break at rehearsal)
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
JP Dubé (Peter Pan), Kaitlynn, Marco Ramos (Aladdin) and Clarice Pirates
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Front of the theatre, our show is open!!
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
The Entire crazy amazing cast ! #princesspirateslive
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook
Rapunzel, Becky Baeling Lythgoe (Producer) Spencer Liff, and yes a miniature pony Little Man on Opening Night
Lindsay Pearce and Molly McCook