Shannon Remley and Brendan Norton – Relaxing in the dressing rooms before the show.
Brendan Norton
Corey Regensburg and Sam Nagel - Prepare the “guy-liner”
Brendan Norton
Corey Regensburg, Shannon Remley, Josh Totora and Max Cove
Brendan Norton
Billy Kametz, Corey Regensburg and Joe Sabatino (Andrew Jackson)
Brendan Norton
Kristen Norine and Allison Caw
Brendan Norton
Shannon Remley, Brendan Norton and Tim Rinehart
Brendan Norton
Kristen Norine, in her motor scooter pre-show
Brendan Norton
Billy Kametz and Max Cove (mirror) prep for the show.
Brendan Norton
Tim Rinehart made up and ready
Brendan Norton
Kristen Norine and Allison Caw put their make up on.
Brendan Norton
Brendan Norton during a talkback
Brendan Norton
Brendan Norton all done, back in street clothes and ready to go home!
Brendan Norton