Christine Allado in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Sean Cheesman and Addy Chan in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Tanisha Spring, Liam Tamne, and Adam Filipe in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Helen Maybanks
Cast in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Helen Maybanks
Cast in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Helen Maybanks
Cast in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Phillip LaZebnik in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Scott Schwartz in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Luke Brady and Liam Tamne in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Luke Brady and Christine Allado in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Helen Maybanks
Tanisha Spring, Liam Tamne, and Natalie Green in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Luke Brady and Alexia Khadime in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Alice Readie and Cast in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Joe Dixon in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Gary Wilmot in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Debbie Kurup in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Dominick Amendum and Stephen Schwartz in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt
Christian Knight and Sasha Woodward in rehearsals for The Prince of Egypt