Directed by Jonathan Warman, the cast will feature Drew Eshelman (Bela Lugosi), Raymond Bokhour (Orson Welles), Lance Rubin (Ed Wood), Dewey Caddell (George Weiss, Paul Marco), Sydney Harris (Dolores Fuller), Megan Stern (Lillian Lugosi, multiple roles) and Jeff Ward (Tor Johnson, Criswell).
The Passion of Ed Wood has a book and lyrics by Justin Warner and music by Rob Kendt. Musical director is Jody Schum.
In the new musical, according to press notes, "the infamous '50s Z-movie director, labeled the 'worst director of all time,' gets a chance to redeem himself by presenting his incredible life story, narrated by his idol Orson Wells."
Jerry Orbach Theater, Snapple Theater Center is located at 210 West 50th. For tickets, priced $18, email [email protected] or call (212) 989-6706.