Helmed by Ensemble Studio artistic director William Carden, the cast features Lisa Emery (The Women), Lucy DeVito, Christopher Duva (The Elephant Man), Keira Naughton (The Rivals), and Scott Sowers (Inherit the Wind), under the direction of Ensemble Studio artistic director William Carden. Lucy, according to press notes, centers on "Vivian, an anthropologist at the top of her field. She craves solitude -- motherhood was never an option. But when forced to care for her estranged teenage daughter, Lucy, her life is turned upside down. Lucy is autistic...and might be the next step in Vivian's evolution."
The creative team includes scenic design by Ryan Kravetz, costume design by Suzanne Chesney, lighting design by Chris Dallos and sound design by David Lawson.
Lucy first premiered at Canadian Stage in 2007. Atkins, the youngest playwright to have a work staged at Canada's Stratford Festival, is the award-winning author of Miss Chatelaine, Good Mother and Real Live Girl.
The Ensemble Studio production is presented in association with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Science & Technology Project, who for ten years have premiered over 100 plays, dance and performance pieces exploring the worlds of science and technology.
Tickets are available by calling (212) 352-3101. The Ensemble Studio Theatre is located at 549 West 52nd Street in Manhattan.
For more information visit www.ensemblestudiotheatre.org.