Directed by Simon Levy, the cast features LA Weekly Award-winning actor Tim Cummings as writer and activist Ned Weeks with Verton R. Banks, Bill Brochtrup, Matt Gottlieb, Fred Koehler, Stephen O’Mahoney, Ray Paolantonio, Lisa Pelikan, Dan Shaked and Jeff Witzke.
"Fueled by love, anger, hope and pride, a circle of friends struggle to contain the mysterious disease ravaging New York's gay community," according to press notes. "Dismissed by politicians, frustrated by doctors and fighting with each other, their differences could tear them apart – or change the world."
The production also features set design by Jeff McLaughlin, lighting design by R. Christopher Stokes, sound design by Peter Bayne, video design by Adam Flemming, costume design by Naila Aladdin Sanders and prop design by Misty Carlisle; the production stage manager is Corey Womack.
Producers are Deborah Lawlor and Stephen Sachs.
Tickets are $34 (reserved seating), except previews, which are $20. On Thursdays and Fridays only, seniors over 65 and students with ID may purchase tickets for $25.
The Fountain Theatre is located at 5060 Fountain Avenue (at Normandie) in Los Angeles. For reservations call (323) 663-1525 or go to