Stars in the House, the daily live streamed concert series created by Playbill correspondent and SiriusXM Broadway host Seth Rudetsky and producer James Wesley, celebrates Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Melissa Manchester's birthday February 17.
Manchester, whose birthday is February 15, will be joined by surprise guests beginning at 8 PM ET. Best known for such hits as "Don't Cry Out Loud," "Midnight Blue," "Come in From the Rain," and "You Should Hear How She Talks About You," Manchester has also appeared in productions of Song & Dance and Sweeney Todd. She also penned the musical I Sent a Letter to My Love, based on the novel by Bernice Rubens.
Stars in the House launched March 16 to promote support for The Actors Fund and its services in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. It has also raised funds for the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund in support of the Black Lives Matter movement as well as Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
New shows—streaming Tuesday–Saturday at 8 PM ET—feature performances by stars of stage and screen, in conversation and song with Rudetsky and Wesley. Peter Flynn serves as streaming director.
Click here to watch previous episodes.
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