The musical is making its northwest premiere at the 5th Avenue. Randy Johnson, who created the show, writes and directs the production. Janis Joplin was previously seen on Broadway in 2013.
Kristin Piacentile, who shares the role of Janis Joplin in Seattle, takes you through her day. See it all here!
Kristin Piacentile
Kristin Piacentile
Time to wake up! Or maybe 15 minutes more…
First thing to do is hydrate. So I drink all the decaf tea. All. Of. It.
So… many… vitamins… (Ignore the bottle of wine in the back).
Sunday fun day! The boyfriend’s parents are in town so we are brunching it up. Here I am with Deb!
And there’s Dave with Jeremy. Dave is the one with the cool shirt.
And more tea. But this one is fancy tea.
And my #basicbrunch pic
Jason and Heather (hair department) hanging out with the third actress who plays Janis. She doesn’t talk much.
Nova Payton (The Blues Woman) getting dolled up in her dressing room!
Justin and Andy (guitar and bass) are too cool for school. But don’t let them know that.
Here is our superb MD Michael J Moritz. He is constantly my saving grace.
Some strong selfie game with Jason, Jory (saxophone) and myself.
Heather wigging our amazing Aurianna Tuttle (Etta James). She’s rocking the blonde.
Greg (guitar) and his daughter giving some sass!
Me being a creeper as Ben (drums) gets wigged out.
Kacee Clanton (Janis Joplin) and Nova posing for a photo!
Some more selfie game with Yvette Cason (Aretha Franklin), Jason and myself.
Randy and Marlys (costume department) are all smiles for today’s double whammy!
Marlys did it again. At this rate she’s going to have to let out my high waisted bell bottoms.
Lisa and Adrienne (stage management) are our unsung heroes. And they also happen to be pretty awesome people.
The beautiful Sylvia MacCalla (Bessie Smith) and I posing in some colorful specs!
Aurianna giving face as Randy helps her become Etta James.
Almost time for the matinee! Here’s the whole cast with our friend Ronne in the middle! Ignore my slippers.
Break legs, Kacee! She always leaves the audience stunned and wanting more. She slays.
Jeffrey (the stage manager of all stage managers) comes to check on me in my dressing room. I’m on vocal rest so a selfie will suffice! And yes, that is a fisherman’s lozenge in my mouth.
Now that the show has begun I hang out in my dressing room and take care of myself. This is but a fraction of my dressing room pharmacy.
Selfie with bae.
Opening night flowers from the Joplins themselves!
A sneak peek at Janis’ costumes. She’s got some pretty rad clothes.
Intermission! Here are the girls in all their ‘Spirit In The Dark’ glory!
The show’s almost over which means I can go home! Time for chicken and a nap.
I feel glorious after my nap and I walk back to the theatre on this sunny day in Seattle.
Time to meet Janis! Jeffrey decides to pop in and help Jason and me.
Finally, hair that matches my eyebrows.
Act 1 costume on and ready to go! This is my favorite outfit of the bunch. #SWAG
I don’t have any downtime during the show so Aurianna helps out! Here she is with Nova and Randy.
All glammed up and ready to SANG. Aretha Franklin’s backup singers. Tambourines not pictured.
Yvette and Aurianna look stunning as always. The Queen of Soul has arrived!
Jory, Michael and Stuart smiling backstage. Except for Jory.
Intermission and a sweaty costume change later, I finally get to wear my velvet pants. They feel like pajamas.
Me and Sylvia dressed as Bessie Smith grab a quick picture before places. I’m stealing that hat once this show closes but don’t tell anyone.
The 5 show weekend is over! We did it! Had a quick talkback after the show and time to go home.
Star treatment from the president of my fan club, Deb!
Finally home and drinking… tea. I’m drinking tea. Good night!