The hit improvised comedy show Showstopper! The Improvised Musical will play an eight-week run at The Other Palace this winter alongside regular monthly performances in the West End’s Lyric Theatre. The Olivier Award-winning show will play The Other Palace beginning January 22, 2019.
During the run the company will celebrate their 1,000th performance.
Showstopper! was born out of a 2008 workshop at the Actors’ Centre in London, when Dylan Emery, Adam Meggido, and Ken Campbell took a group of actors with little or no improvisation experience and within a week attempted to get them to perform an hour-long extemporized musical in front of a full house.
Since that time, the show has played an 11-year run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and in 2015 became the first long-form improv show to have a full run in the West End at the Apollo Theatre. In April 2016, the show became the first improv show ever to be nominated, and subsequently win, an Olivier Award.
The rotating company of Showstopper! The Improvised Musical includes Jonathan Ainscough, Ruth Bratt, Justin Brett, Matt Cavendish, Emery (co-creator/director), Pippa Evans, Susan Harrison, Joshua C. Jackson, Ali James, Sean McCann, Meggido (co-creator/director), Philip Pellew, Andrew Pugsley, Lauren Shearing, Lucy Trodd, Heather Urquhart, and Sarah-Louise Young.
For more information visit