Disney’s Frozen, the musical adaptation of the hit animated film, welcomed Ryann Redmond, Joe Carroll, and Noah J. Ricketts to the principal cast February 19.
Redmond, an alum of Broadway’s Bring It On, If/Then, and Escape to Margaritaville, stepped into the role of Olaf, the role voiced on screen by Josh Gad and originated onstage by Greg Hildreth. Carroll, who last appeared on Broadway in Bandstand, also joined the company, replacing John Riddle as Hans.
Ricketts, a former ensemble member who also understudied Kristoff, assumed the role full-time from original cast member Jelani Alladin.
Flip through photos of the curtain call below:
Continuing as leading players are Caissie Levy and Patti Murin as Elsa and Anna, respectively. The current cast also includes Robert Creighton as Weselton, Kevin Del Aguila as Oaken, and Andrew Pirozzi as Sven (Pirozzi and current Sven alternate Adam Jepsen split the role equally, each playing the reindeer four performances a week).
Based on Disney's 2013 Oscar-winning film, Frozen opened on Broadway March 22, 2018. Directed by Michael Grandage, the musical features music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, a book by Jennifer Lee, and choreography by Rob Ashford.