I'm Still Getting My Act Together and taking it on the road… is the continuation of Cryer and Nancy Ford's 1978 Off-Broadway musical of the same name. The story follows Heather, a 39-year-old divorced song-writer attempting a comeback by ditching the romantic songs of her past for a more personal collection, in Act One, which is the original show. Act Two visits Heather and her band 30 years later. Cryer will be reprising the role of Heather in Act Two.
The cast will also include Omar D. Brancato, Daniel Filippi, Erica Hanrahan-Ball, Jesse Johnson, Erika Schindele, Jennifer Leigh Warren and Matthew Wrather.
In a statement, artistic director Karen Wood said, "What an honor to have both Gretchen Cryer and Rex Smith star in this heart-felt continuation of one of the most iconic musicals of the ‘70s."
Artistic director Anne Wareham added, "It is simply a thrill to have Gretchen Cryer and Nancy Ford bring this updated landmark show to our stage. We have a dream cast, this one is not-to-be missed!"
For more information, or to purchase tickets, click here.