The full cast of Capital City's Violet features recent Broadway revival cast member Virginia Ann Woodruff, Corey Mach (Hands On A Hardbody), Kevin McAllister, Jace Nichols, Olivia E. de Waart, Wendy Jones-Hill, Shawn Goodman-Jones, Nicole Michelle Haskins, Jake Morrissy, Jacob Rankin and Doug Swenson.
Performances will run June 12-21 at Music Hall on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.
The production is directed by Stephen Amato and Capital City Theatre artistic director, Andrew Abrams, will serve as musical director. The design staff includes costume design by Tony and Emmy Award winner Franne Lee, lighting design by Cory Pattak, set design by Keith Pitts and sound design by Conrad St. Clair.
Violet, written by Jeanine Tesori and Brian Crawley, made its Broadway debut last season starring Tony winner Sutton Foster. The musical, which was nominated for four Tony Awards, tells the story of a young woman's quest for beauty amidst the image-obsessed landscape of the 1960's.
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