St. Ann’s Warehouse celebrated the official opening of Schaubühne Berlin’s Returning to Reims, which makes its American debut with Homeland star Nina Hoss, February 11. The show is a multi-medium adaptation of French author Didier Eribon’s 2014 memoir of the same name conceived by Thomas Ostermeier, and uses film and performance to bring to life Eribon’s personal story of identity and estrangement within the turbulent French political landscape.
Performances of Returning to Reims began February 4. Hoss plays an actor in a sound studio recording a voiceover for a documentary about Eribon’s return home to his working-class family after his father’s death. While the documentary plays across a giant screen, Hoss and the director of the film (played by Bush Moukarzel) struggle over how to best capture Eribon’s story.
Read reviews for the production below:
The Hollywood Reporter (Frank Scheck)
New York Magazine / Vulture (Sara Holdren)
The New York Times (Ben Brantley)
Time Out New York (Adam Feldman)
Playbill will continue to update with reviews as they are published. Returning to Reims is playing at St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn through February 25.