@Theatrimelz hubby @sandlotjcg and I as Mary Poppins & Bert #HappyHalloween #Halloween
Amanda Grillo @Manda_G_0603 I am crutchie
Christine Stanley @TanyaChowder Zombie Javert spent too much time in the Seine!
Jen Carvalho @jencarvy Mary Poppins
katerina e @kitkate5678 Any guesses as to who I am?
Kayla Matters @kaylamatterss "I give you, the toast of Mayfair, Fraulein Sally Bowles."
Carolina Reynoso @carolinareyn Les Miserable Eponine costume
Maureen Lenker @maureenlee89 My Broadway Halloween costume--Eponine from Les Mis!
Jocelyn Hannusch @BossJocelyn72 Someone extraordinary!
Anthony Imgrund @tonyimgrund - I went as Elder Price last night from @BookofMormon
Josh Garcia @Jsh3281 Hey @playbill do you like our Newsie and Elphaba Costumes! Happy Halloween!
Dana Gerstle @bebesadie Happy Halloween Christine from Florida! #elphaba #wickedvideoentry #wicked
Natalie @nmaogden My 9 yr old and her theater teacher. She wanted to be Christine for Halloween!
A fan dressed up as a Chicago Playbill on "The Today Show"
A fan dressed up as a Chicago Playbill on "The Today Show"
A kinky jack-o'-lantern
A staff member at Music Theatre International
The Music Theatre International staff
A staff member at Music Theatre International
A staff member at Music Theatre International
Happy fall from Playbill!