Directed by Mark Waldrop with choreography by Vince Pesce, the cast will be led by Paul Vogt (Pseudolus), Stephen Berger (Marcus Lycus), Justin Bowen (Hero), Stephen Buntrock (Miles Gloriosus), Chet Carlin (Erronius), Chelsea Krombach (Philia), Beth McVey (Domina), John Scherer (Hysterium) and Greg Vinkler (Senex).
Rounding out the company are Kristine Bendul, Nicole Benoit, Krisitine Covillo, Ryan Dietz, Michael Timothy Howell, Anthony Johnson, Liz McKendry, Anne Otto, Chondra L. Profit, Lara Seibert and Bret Shuford.
The production will feature scenic design by Ray Klausen, costume design by Matthew Hemesath, lighting design by F. Mitchell Dana, sound design by Randy Hansen, music supervision by Tom Helm, music direction by Ed Goldschneider and associate music direction by Robert Meffe.
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