Clubbed Thumb, the company behind Heidi Schreck’s hit national play What the Constitution Means to Me, has unveiled the lineup for its 2020 SummerWorks. The annual festival of new plays will once again run in The Wild Project, featuring adventurous new works by Gab Reisman, Angela Hanks, and Rinne Groff.
SummerWorks will run May 15–July 1, with casting to be announced at a later date.

READ: How Coney Island, a Lion, and Superstorm Sandy Led Rinne Groff to Her Dreamland
Check out the lineup of plays, and their directors, below.
Spindle Shuttle Needle
By Gab Reisman
Directed by Tamilla Woodard
May 15–27
In a cottage surrounded by endless siege, at the dawn of Modern Capitalism, a motley group of women tell tales, pick nits, and stretch out the last bits of sustenance til the Market reopens.
Bodies They Ritual
By Angela Hanks
Directed by Knud Adams
June 2–13
A Santa Fe sweat lodge lets loose what’s bottled up in a group of Texan ladies who have gathered for a birthday celebration. Will any of them taste that deep, deep spirituality only to be found in the American Southwest?
The Woman's Party
By Rinne Groff
Directed by Tara Ahmadinijad
June 19–July 1
1947 is the year that the savvy politicos of the National Woman’s Party finally get the ERA passed— once they quash that insurgency. Or oust the old guard. Failure is Impossible.