Directed by Lynne Taylor-Corbett, the production features the talents of Leslie Alexander, Miche Braden, Joy Franz, Nora Mae Lyng, Pamela Myers, Teri Ralston and Cheryl Stern. Opening night is set for Oct. 11.
Written by Marcia Milgrom Dodge and Anthony Dodge, Hats! is based on the ideas of The Red Hat Society and features songs by Doug Besterman, Susan Birkenhead, Michele Brourman, Pat Bunch, Gretchen Cryer, Anthony Dodge, Marcia Milgrom Dodge, Beth Falcone, David Friedman, Kathie Lee Gifford, Carol Hall, Henry Krieger, Stephen Lawrence, Melissa Manchester, Amanda McBroom, Pam Tillis and Sharon Vaughn.
Hats, according to press notes, concerns a "49.999 year old woman who reluctantly faces the inevitable big five-O birthday until she meets several remarkable Red Hat Society women who show her about fun and friendship after 50."
In a previous statement, producer Mitchell Maxwell said, "We are thrilled to be creating this musical. In doing so we have come to learn of the importance of The Red Hat Society and the message of joy and goodwill that they bring to their members. The organization has clearly touched a nerve in the public's imagination. These women are a powerful, positive force in today's world. Our musical will allow their message and spirit to reach greater numbers through this theatrical production."
The Red Hat Society, according to press notes, was created in 1998 when "Sue Ellen Cooper and a group of five friends, dressed in purple clothing and red hats met for afternoon tea. The word quickly spread, and over the past eight years, The Red Hat Society has become the fastest and largest growing women’s movement in the United States." In fact, the Society has formed more than 40,000 chapters around the world. The New Denver Civic Center Theatre is located at 721 Sante Fe Drive in Denver, CO. Tickets, priced at $39.50, are available by calling (303) 309-3773 or by visiting