The Matthew Corozine Studio Theatre acting school will present Craig Lucas’ adaptation of August Strindberg’s Miss Julie in New York this fall. The drama tells the story of a young woman who seeks to escape her life of privilege in 1888 Sweden, but a conversation with her father’s valet prompts a dangerous flirtation.
Performances will take place September 16-October 1 at The Matthew Corozine Studio Theatre, located at 357 West 36th Street, Suite 202.
Directed by Gabby Aris, the cast features Kalynn Dodge as Miss Juile, Jamaal R. Clifton and Kimberly Michelle Thomas. The creative team includes David Gottfried, who will be performing live music for the show; Costa Giannakopoulos (set design), Ricky DeRossa (lighting) and Matthew Corozine (artistic consultant).
Here is how MCS bills the adaptation: “Miss Julie, a woman of privilege in 1888 Sweden, has long desired to escape the social restrictions placed on her, preferring instead the company of ’common people.’ Yet while actively seeking the freedom she believes only the lower classes can have, she lacks the courage to ever have more than a passionate dalliance there. One hot midsummer night, she strikes up a conversation with her father’s valet - a man whose aspirations include climbing the very pedestal Miss Julie seeks to leave forever. As the hours tick by, each begins to wonder if the other holds the key to what they’ve always longed for.“
Lucas is currently represented on Broadway with An American in Paris, for which he wrote the book. His adaptation of Miss Julie debuted Off-Broadway in 2005 at Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre.
All tickets are $18 and can be purchased at or by calling (212) 904-1102.