Broadway’s Future Songbook Series, which is presented by Arts and Artists of Tomorrow, will offer an evening of all-new holiday songs December 12.
The free evening, which begins at 6 PM, will be held in the Bruno Walter Auditorium at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, located at 111 Amsterdam Avenue and 65th Street. Producer John Znidarsic directs and hosts the concert.
Among the writers whose work will be featured are Joey Contreras, Sam Salmond, Joe Kinosian and Kellen Blair, Bill Nelson, Steven Silverstein and Andrew Zachary Cohen, Doug Lyons and Gregory Borowsky, Sam Carner and Derek Gregor, Adam Shorsten, Alexander Sage Oyen and Mark Sonnenblick, Jessica Ann Carp, Zack Zadeck, Brad Ross and Vivien Wolsk, Jonathon Lynch and Danielle Trzcinski, Henry Nettleton and Jake Chapman, Josh Kight, and Justin Warner.
Interpreting the new holiday songs will be Lilli Cooper, Mia Gerachis, Brittney Johnson, Michael Linden, Larry Owens, Beth Glover, Mark Planner, Matthew Bennis, Dimitri Micalizzi, Stephanie Visconti, Zac Hines, Iam Axness, Elanna White, Jordan Siwek, Elana Mie Scheiner, Nicholas Alexander Wilson, and Adam Overett.
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