Jackie Mason is Freshly Squeezed Out as Broadway Solo Ends Sept. 4; Tour Next | Playbill

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News Jackie Mason is Freshly Squeezed Out as Broadway Solo Ends Sept. 4; Tour Next Jackie Mason's seventh solo show, Freshly Squeezed, ends its Broadway run at the Helen Hayes Theatre Sept. 4. A national tour of the production is in the works for next season.
Jackie Mason

Jyll Rosenfeld, Jon Stoll, and James Scibelli produce the work which began on Broadway March 8 for a March 23 opening following a prior national tour. The show played 172 performances. The new national tour is being planned for dates in 2006-07, according to a production spokesperson.

After taking a critical hit in his first non-solo musical venture on Broadway with the short-lived Laughing Room Only, Mason noted the return to his roots. "I am excited about getting back to what I do best and what my audience likes best," stated Mason in a release. "I am writing new jokes every day and soon I’ll be telling them every night. Just me... one Jew talking and that's it."

"Armed with all-new material developed during an unplanned but not unpleasant extended Florida vacation," read the show's press release, Mason presented his latest. In Freshly Squeezed, the comic delved into "same sex marriages, stock market fraud, celebrities on trial, the epidemic of new diets" and, of course, "politics, politics and more politics."

Mason has previously performed on Broadway in six of his own one-man shows — The World According to Me, Brand New, Politically Incorrect, Love Thy Neighbor, Much Ado About Everything and Prune Danish. He received a special Tony Award for the first.

Freshly Squeezed played pre-Broadway dates across the country beginning in Chicago followed by appearances in Montreal, Toronto, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and Los Angeles, among others. The 2004-2005 Broadway season saw an influx of one-person acts including Billy Crystal's 700 Sundays, Dame Edna's Back With A Vengeance, Mario Cantone's Laugh Whore, Eve Ensler's The Good Body and Whoopi Goldberg's Whoopi.

Freshly Squeezed plays at the Helen Hayes Theatre, located at 240 West 44 Street. For more information, visit www.jackiemason.com.

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