The poignant comedy, which played Broadway in 2009, is directed by Stuart Carden and will run through March 27. In the Next Room earned a 2010 Tony Award nomination for Best Play and was also a 2010 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The production marked Ruhl's Broadway playwriting debut.
Bohmer (Ragtime, A Little Night Music) plays Dr. Givings opposite Purcell (Coast of Utopia, Dividing the Estate) as his young wife, Catherine. The cast also includes Emily Dorsch as Sabrina Daldry, Amy Landon as Annie, Krystel Lucas as Elizabeth, Michael James Reed as Mr. Daldry and David Christopher Wells as Leo.
Here's how the Rep describes the play: "At the dawn of the age of electricity, Dr. Givings has found a remarkable new invention for what at the time was called 'hysteria.' As his young wife listens in the next room, the doctor treats his patients to a brand new experience, stimulating thoughts and feelings long dormant in stifled Victorian society and his own marriage. Fascinatingly funny and elegantly evocative, Sarah Ruhl immerses us in an exploration of traditional values and secret desires. Based on historical fact, In The Next Room or the vibrator play is a playful and symbolic representation of the treatment of women in the 19th century."
In the Next Room has designs by Gianni Downs (set design), Dorothy Marshall Englis (costume design), Mark P. Wilson (lighting design) and Mikhail Fiksel (sound design/original music).
Ruhl is the author of the plays Dead Man's Cell Phone, Eurydice, The Clean House, Passion Play and Orlando. She adapted Chekhov's Three Sisters for a new production at the Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, under the direction of Tony winner John Doyle. For tickets phone (314) 968-4925 or visit The Rep's online box office at RepStl.