Developed and directed by Shakina Nayfack, the performance also features Rebecca Naomi Jones (American Idiot, Murder Ballad), Leslie McDonel (American Idiot), Shaina Taub (Natasha, Pierre…), Natalie Wachen (Off-Broadway's Rent), Lauren Marcus (Pregnancy Pact) and Rachel Lee with Vinny Pavlish on violin.
In Here in the Dark, according to press notes, "Bay Area actor/singer-songwriter/MC, Ashkon recounts tales of love, loss, and YouTube fame through a unique backdrop of rock n' roll, hip-hop, soul, and the spoken word."
The "Rock Tonic" series was launched to promote interactive and multimedia music events. Each concert integrates a storyline or concept with theatrical elements and video designed to "gently provoke audiences."
The Cutting Room is located at 44 E. 32nd Street. Tickets are $15; there is no food/drink minimum. For more information and tickets, call (646) 380-8749 or visit