Sponsored ContentGet a 360-Degree Look at Company XIVThe fearless downtown troupe provides a complete view that no audience would ever get in this new video.
Playbill Staff
April 11, 2018
Whether you're a longtime fan of Company XIV's eclectic mixture of burlesque and classical dance or you have yet to venture to the fearless downtown troupe's new Bushwick home, allow Playbill and Company XIV to provide you with a little tease in the form of this 360-degree video.
Using your mouse, you can move the screen in a full circle, allowing you views that a regular member of the audience would never have the opportunity to experience. And with Company XIV's signature style intact, there are plenty of views to be enjoyed!
For tickets to Company XIV's current production of Cinderella, click here!
When the play premiered in London in 1912, it was considered controversial, but was praised for its depiction of two young people seeking pleasure before marriage.