Directed by Thom Southerland, it will feature Philip Rham as E. J. Smith (captain of the Titanic), Simon Green as Bruce Ismay (director of the White Star Line), Greg Castiglioni as Thomas Andrews (the ship's architect) and Celia Graham as Alice Beane (second-class passenger). The cast also includes James Austen-Murray, Dominic Brewer, Scarlett Courtney, Matthew Crowe, Jonathan David Dudley, Grace Eccle, Oliver Hembrough, James Hume, Sion Lloyd, Claire Marlowe, Shane McDaid, Leo Miles, Nadim Naaman and Victoria Serra.
The production is produced by Danielle Tarento in association with Southwark Playhouse. Musical staging is by Cressida Carre, with musical direction by Mark Aspinall, sets and costumes by David Woodhead, lighting by Howard Hudson and sound by Andrew Johnson.
To book tickets, contact the box office on 020 7407 0234 or visit for more details.