Anastasia on Broadway, inspired by the classic animated film, follows a young woman’s journey of discovery from Russia to Paris in the 1920s. The question for the show’s designers and creative team was: How do you recreate that onstage in a way that is authentic to the time period but also durable enough to withstand the nature of a Broadway show which has several performances a week over a long period of time?
Anastasia has over 200 props, 34 of which are furniture pieces. Emiliano Pares, the production props supervisor, collaborated with the scenic and set designers to create a cohesive look and made sure all of the props were functional and practical. The secret was in the details.
“Alexander Dodge (scenic designer) wanted the environment to accurately reflect the time period in all aspects of the production. Props accentuate the scenery and tie all of the little details together. From the fabrics on the peasant carts and the suitcases, to the onion paper that the letters are written on. A lot of time was spent on details,“ says Pares.
Flip through the gallery below to see the props up close and how they are stored backstage:
Anastasia officially opened at the Broadhurst Theatre April 24, 2017. The musical features a score by Tony Award winners Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty and a book by Tony winner Terrence McNally.
Darko Tresnjak directs a cast headed by Christy Altomare as Anya, Derek Klena as Dmitry, John Bolton as Vlad, Caroline O’Connor as Lily, and Tony nominee Mary Beth Peil as Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna.