Floor It and Sing! L.A. Opera Company Performs New Opera in Moving Cars, Starting Today | Playbill

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News Floor It and Sing! L.A. Opera Company Performs New Opera in Moving Cars, Starting Today The Industry, a Los Angeles-based opera company, presents Hopscotch, a new opera performed in moving cars on a road. The show will be performed three times daily (10:45 AM, 12:45 PM and 2:45 PM) on weekends Oct. 31-Nov. 15. Previews start Oct. 11, and continue Oct. 24 and 25.

The new opera will take four audience members at a time on one of three different routes (red, green or yellow). Each route is divided into ten-minute chapters that all take place in different cars. The chapters are not presented chronologically so no one route contains the entirety of the show, but each route stands alone as a total experience. All of the chapters, plus additional chapters featuring the animation of six artists, can be seen at the central hub, a temporary structure in the Southern California Institute of Architecture's parking lot in downtown L.A.

The opera was written by Veronika Kausas, Marc Lowenstein, Andrew McIntosh, Andrew Norman, Ellen Reid and David Rosenbloom.

Hopscotch is described as "a modern retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice: the tragic love of Orpheus, son of the muse Calliope, for his wife, Eurydice, whom he follows to the underworld with his lyre in an ill-fated attempt to return her to life. [Yuval] Sharon's version is set in L.A. and features a Latina protagonist named Lucha," according to the L.A. Times.

The Industry's artistic director Sharon told the Times, "We're telling the audience, 'Just trust us. You don't know where you're going, but if you get in this car, you'll get back to your original car safely. What will happen to your experience of the city and the landscape if you don't know where you're going?"

For more information visit HopscotchOpera.com.

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