Feel Good Friday: After Playing Frank Sinatra, Matt Doyle Reunites With His Dogs | Playbill

Video Feel Good Friday: After Playing Frank Sinatra, Matt Doyle Reunites With His Dogs

Doyle's fiancé Max Clayton captured video of a happy moment.

Matt Doyle Courtesy of Max Clayton

Times may be hard, but there is still joy to be found, even after a long week. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of emotional release. Welcome to Playbill's Feel Good Friday feature.

We love a cute dog video. We love a cute Broadway star. Put them together and you've got us in one big puddle of "Awwww!!!"

Max Clayton, who will soon be joining the company of Chicago, shared a happy reunion video on TikTok when his fiancé Matt Doyle returned home after three months abroad doing Sinatra The Musical. The video, though, isn't of Max and Matt reuniting after a time apart...it's of their dogs getting to see Matt after his long absence. 

Have a great weekend, and check back next Friday for another feel good feature.

READ: Feel Good Friday: Musical Theatre TikTok Is Stunt Casting Patrick Star in Everything

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