Directed by Joel Grey, the cast will comprise Dylan Walsh (Ned Weeks), Tate Donovan (Felix Turner), Lisa Kudrow (Dr. Emma Brookner), Clark Gregg (Ben Weeks), Jon Tenney (Bruce Niles), David Eigenberg (Mickey Marcus), Dan Bucatinksy (Tommy Boatwright), Tim Bagley (Craig Donner, Hiram Keebler) and Alec Mapa (David, Examining Doctor, Grady). Show time is 8 PM.
Director Grey starred in the original production of The Normal Heart at The Public Theater, in which he played the central role of Ned, based semi-autobiographically on playwright Kramer. The Normal Heart focuses on "the terrifying early years of the AIDS epidemic in New York and the criminal silence of official America in dealing with it."
The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's Lily Tomlin/Jane Wagner Cultural Arts Center and veteran actor David Youse are presenting this one-night-only event benefitting the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center's Jeffrey Goodman Special Care Clinic, which provides quality, free or low-cost medical care for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Westwood’s Geffen Playhouse is located at 10886 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. Tickets are $50 (general admission) and $100 (preferred seating), and can be purchased at or by phone at (323) 860-7300. Special VIP tickets are also available for $250.