Produced, directed and hosted by Scott Siegel, show times are 7 PM and 9:30 PM.
The performances feature the talents of Robert Cuccioli (Jekyll & Hyde), Lesli Margherita (Dames at Sea), Danny Gardner (Dames at Sea) and Carole J. Bufford (Nightlife Award winner). (Dames at Sea ended its Broadway run Jan. 3.)
"The famous songs of Cole Porter’s greatest show come to life once again in a special concert performance of the 1948 Broadway smash hit," according to press notes. Songs include “So In Love,” “Too Darn Hot,” “Were Thine That Special Face” and “Brush Up Your Shakespeare,” among others. Kiss Me, Kate won the very first Tony Award for Best Musical and when it was revived in 1999, it won Best Revival of Musical.