Directed by Brandon Ivie (A Christmas Story assistant director) with musical direction by Emilie Cardinaux, the cast includes Alysha Umphress (American Idiot, Priscilla Queen of the Desert), Derek Klena (Carrie, Dogfight), Katrina Rose Dideriksen (Hairspray, Rent), Ryah Nixon (9 to 5), Corey Mach (Godspell, Wicked), Eric Michael Krop (Godspell), Damon Daunno (Brief Encounter), Molly Hager (Fat Camp), Jason Collins (The Blue Flower), Andi Alhadeff, composer Thomas Dutton, Iris Elton, Amy Linden, Patrick Shelton and Jonathan Whitton.
Concert performances will be offered Nov. 28 at 9:30 PM (sold out) and Nov. 29 at 7:30 PM. Razia's Shadow features a book by Lonnie Angle.
Exploring themes of tolerance, redemption and the strength of the human spirit, Razia's Shadow, according to press notes, "tells a tale of parallel forbidden love stories set in an alternate universe before murder exists. With a massive mountain range splitting the world in two, only true love's sacrifice can reunite the two halves."
Razia's Shadow was originally a conceptual, rock-musical album released by the indie-rock band Forgive Durden in 2008 on Atlantic Records. The piece has been developed with The Public Theater in New York and was a finalist for this year's Yale Institute for Music Theatre as well as NAMT's New Works Festival.
The concept album, released on Fueled by Ramen/Atlantic Records, featured guest performances from bands such as Panic At The Disco, Say Anything, Portugal, The Man, Saves The Day, mewithoutYou, The Hush Sound, The Dear Hunter and others. Joe's Pub is located at 425 Lafayette Street. Tickets are $15 plus a two-drink minimum. For tickets, visit For more information, visit