The cast will be led by Carl Anthony Payne as Pimpin' Pete, LisaRay McCoy as Sharon Wilson, La’Myia Good as Tina Clark, Skye Griffin, Bill Bellamy, and Chante Moore.
“I am truly excited about continuing the Married But Single saga,” stated Johnson. “Earlier this year, the original play was met with such overwhelming response that I had to give my dedicated fans and new fans some more of the pandemonium and drama that real relationships and this thing we call love provide. While traveling with the show and interacting with audiences, I discovered many wanted to see more from their favorite characters and also find out what happens next with them. So, that’s what Married But Single Too will give them. They will experience more singing, more of the love, more of the fun and more of the funny.”
Married But Single Too, according to production notes, “catches up with the life of Sharon Wilson (LisaRaye McCoy) who had dreamed of the day her man would finally pop the question and become her husband. And when he did, little did she know, disaster would follow. After working so hard to get the ring, Sharon never expected her marriage to her rising R&B star husband, Julian, would be hanging on by a thread after only a year. A delayed honeymoon, a neglected anniversary, and many nights apart have rocked their relationship to the core. But even though she's working at it alone, she's willing to do whatever it takes to save her marriage. That is until rumors of Julian's infidelity start floating around forcing Sharon to give him an ultimatum: end the tour or end their marriage. Not ready to close the door on either part of his life, Julian's indecisiveness opens the door for Sharon's old flame, Jackson (Bill Bellamy), to ignite the fire that's been missing, but this time around, it might just be an inferno because... she's married but single... AND he's ’Married but Single, Too!’”
In addition to engagements in Georgia, Texas, California, Tennessee, and more, the production will make a stop in the Big Apple February 24-26 at the Kings Theatre in Brooklyn.
Ticketing information and touring itinerary can be accessed at