The play follows three disparate storylines that all revolve around the Snow White fairy tale. Six actors playing multiple roles tell the stories of “the Grimm Brothers (who originally collected and published the classic fairy tale), the Campbells (a Victorian theatrical family whose lives begin to mirror Snow White), and modern day Astrid (a young woman who, after her abusive mother puts her in a coma, must decide whether or not to wake up).”
Directed by Sage Barrie with fight choreography by Mick Bleyer, the cast includes Leslie Alexander (The Boy From Oz, Mamma Mia!), Gracie Beardsley (How The Grinch Stole Christmas), Ryan Clardy (One Life To Live), Ashley Griffin (Hamlet), Jay William Thomas (Dementia 13), and Ryan Williams (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat).
This work contains adult subject matter, including the death of a child, sexual content, and drug use. It is not recommended for small children.
For tickets click here or call (800) 838-3006.